I'm making it up as I go...

Oh cradle of Love
The softest Light, hovers
Birdlike, in my thoughtless heart--
It whispers, mourns, weeps, fears
Angers at my hesitation, tears
at me, my solemn thought,
I have waited, and far too long--
Love calls, its song, wanting,
Oh peace which beckons, promises,
It has been too long...
Light, grasp me, take with You,
Now and forever.
Pull me, bind me, mold me,
Make me One with you.
Replace my maligning sorrow with Yours.
Turn my mind to more
to flashing crescendo, Joy in all the wonders,
which echoes brilliantly tall:
"Make mine heart like unto Yours"
That I might know You
now and forever.

1 comment:

vashsunglasses said...

I love it! It has a great sense of urgency to it, and the flow is lovely.